Hm, vet inte vad jag tycker om det här, Amebix är visserligen hur bra som helst men det är lite väl mycket reunions nu, hoppas det blir bra om det nu blir av!
It's official. Amebix have reformed and recorded with Roy Mayorga (ex Nausea)as their new drummer.
From the Baron's myspace blog:Hmmm, well, something strange has happened. The DVD is coming together really well,looking over the whole History of the Band through interviews etc i thought a logical conclusion would be to show how all of us are still creating stuff in our own right,i also wanted to think about showing how strong the songs were,and got the idea to contact Stig about maybe jamming a couple of songs to see how it felt.I also had made contact with Roy Mayorga of Stone sour,sepultura etc,so thought i would talk to him about this (Spider has Tinitus and is no longer able to play)
I really didnt expect Roy to say 'yeah,in a heartbeat!',so that left me in the situation of having to put my money where my mouth was and book flights for everyone to meet up in Ireland last week at the DVD project base,to have a shot at making a video of some of the songs.
My thinking was this,if its no good we will be honest and appraise it accordingly,no-one will ever need to know,and at least we had a shot.However,it was absolutely fucking MAD!ten times better than the original versions,tighter,heavier,stronger.
So what the hell to do?we are going to use this footage and tracks for extras on the DVD,probably doing the whole project DIY now,with a website set up for us to sell our own stuff through,trying to put screencaps and footage on there as the project comes along.
We also hope for an animation of Axeman from a team in Australia,live footage from Jugoslavia,Italy and Newcastle,Photo gallery,full documentary programme with loads of interview stuff,all the material we can bring together in the one place.
strange times......"
"I have Amebix.net,which we will activate soon as a place to show clips and updates etc,as well as selling our own stuff through there.If we can DIY this project it should give a lot of people a bit of inspiration to own their own stuff,we were never paid for any of our releases apart from Arise,this contributed to strangling us slowly to death i believe."
Roy engineered and is mixing/producing the three songs that they did together last week.
Great news indeed. Smile Can live shows be far behind?