Sylen har fått sitt lager förstört, hjälp till och peppa så vi kan fortsätta att få högkvalle duppi-duppuda på fin vinyl även i framtiden. Skänk slantar här
Records and merch, tour/band gifts and parts of my private collection is totally drenched, ruined and must be
discarded at a value of around: 41.200€ / $54.900 / 35.200£ / 5.650.000YEN
and my insurance covers only: 5100€ / $6800 / 4000£ / 700.000YEN
because our stock is located in a storage room. I dont know/think I will
survive this personal and economic crisis. And as it seems, this might
be the end of D-takt & Råpunk Records. When a damage
such as this strikes against a d.i.y punk label its hard to get back in the ring again.
I could really need all your help and support right now. Feel free to
get in touch if you think that you can help us out in any way. More
information will follow as soon as i know more about this total mess. I
really hate to beg and ask for favours and I would not do it if I
absolutely not needed.
I need some sleep now, been working day and night for two days straight
in a row. I will try my best to keep the punk spirit up, but at the same
time I must admit that it feels pretty fucking hopeless right now.
The label, distro and everything around it will be closed indefinitely
until I got a better overview of the whole situation. Thanks for all
your support!
UPDATE: I am speechless, not because of the flooding, but because of all the mails and
enormous support I
received in less than a few hours. It means more than you can imagine.
Just your thoughts/mails helps more than you think. It aint over yet.
Thank you all!